
Components are reusable building blocks that together can be used to build your application. They implement our principles and use our colors. They can be used together to implement our patterns.

See getting started to learn how to use our components.

HTML components

HTML components are like mini-patterns using standard HTML elements and custom classes.

Web components

Web components is a suite of technologies for building reusable native custom elements that work together with most UI systems, be it React, Vue, Angular, or pure HTML + javascript. We build our components using Stencil.

All our web components are prefixed with `fun-`.

We also supply a React wrapper round our web components so they can be used in React. See Getting started: React + Vite for more.

Want to create new components? Read Authoring new components!


Accordions can be used to make content take up less space, since they can be expanded and collapse


Show a backdrop over the entire window. This is useful for putting behind modals and popovers and ot


Badges convey dynamic information, such as counts or status. A badge can include labels or numbers.


Render a Brand icon, 48x48px.


Render a brand logo, size 400x149 px.


Breadcrumbs are used as part of page headers (/patterns/page header) to help users navigate the app


Buttons trigger actions in the application by being clicked or tapped by the user. <fun button>Lore


Chips are used for making selections or filtering content. They have two modes: **single sel


Field Icon renders a field icon, usually the brand icon associated with the field but can also be a


Field label is used to render a consistent representation of a Funnel field wherever it is used in t


Field Unit is used to display a consistent icon and style for field units across the application.


Component that switches content depending on the scroll position, for creating dynamic page headers.


A hero modal is used to show extra information as well as the actual content, for instance a preview


Controls the position and dismissal of modal dialogs. This component has no opinions about the actua


A modal is a dialog that takes over the screen, positioning itself over the rest of the content. Whi


Popover component that shows a dialog over the rest of the page on demand. Note that the `open` pro


Component to show progress with an estimated time to completion in seconds. The circle will be 'fill


fun progress-controller is a container component for showing different loading states over time. For


Renders a data source label.


Utility component that wraps the content in a span with a class containing the current theme (light


For turning things on and off. Similiar to a checkbox, but changes should be immediate. It won't jus


Tooltips are commonly used to give more information about an icon or button when the user hovers ove


This component displays a user name along with its avatar. If there is no url the avatar falls back


fun wizard-step represents a single step in a wizard flow. It is designed to be used inside a Wiza


This component displays a wizard stepper, also known as a progress bar, to help a user understand:

React components

If you are using React we recommend using the React versions of our web components. In actual fact the React versions are just wrappers around the web components, but they give you a better developer experience with intellisense and proper typing, and much better support for connecting up event handlers.

We also have a number of components written specifically for React. These are listed below. They live in a number of different packages so see the installation instructions per component.

CSS Utilities

Built on top of Tailwind CSS, we also provide a number of CSS utility classes to avoid repetition and aid consistency.

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